Smith's Falls, the Perfect Detour

For our anniversary in 2012, we thought we'd make a pilgrimage to our nation's capital. So, we loaded our bikes onto Little Car's new

hitch-mounted bike rack, and off we went! If you're ever going to Ottawa, leave early and make a quick stop at the Railway Museum of Eastern Canada (,

they have a delightful collection of trains, cars, and odd little rail vehicles. It's in Smith's Falls. It's not big enough that you get lost,

but they had enough interesting and interactive exhibits to keep us occupied for about two hours.

Cycling in Ottawa

We've all been to Ottawa (right?), so I won't bore you here with pictures of Parliament and the Byward market. I'll do that soon enough in another gallery.

The cyling paths in Ottawa are quite nice, especially the path along the Ottawa river, which is peaceful and picturesque. We did this circuit:

ottawa cycling route

The path along the Rideau Canal is nice, and well used. Maybe a bit too well used: pedestrians, speed cyclists, rollerbladers, and pigeons all jockying for a piece of the action. We did find a way to beat the crowds: just cycle in the rain!Our favourite conditions. Cute story - we got to Ottawa on a Saturday night, checked in to our hotel, then headed out to grab dinner. While wandering around (in the rain, of course), we noticed that most of the other pedestrians were carrying these white styrofoam take-out boxes. We scratched our heads as person after person walked past, take-out box in hand. Whichever way we looked - left, right, up, down, north, south, there were people with take-out. There was no discernible pattern: all races and ethnicities, all ages, groups, individuals, all clutching their styrofoam boxes of joy. It was as though Ottawa had embraced take-out as a form of life. If we ever wanted to open a take out restaurant, we began thinking,we had found a truly ripe market! We asked the guy at the coffee shop about it. He thought for a while, then said "Oh yeah, it's rib fest. Those are the leftovers boxes." Yeah, that would explain it. But on that rainy night we learned one other fact about our nation's capital: apparently the only people willing to brave the downpour in Ottawa on that Saturday night were hungry tourists and carnivores! Rib fest must have made a killing.


A Quick Tour of Historic Kingston

We'd never been to Kingston, so we thought we'd leave the rain behind and check out the former capital of Upper Canada.

We didn't see much of it, just the harbour, but it was lovely. We had the kind of weather that makes a mediocre photographer feel like a genius.